Chairman's Message
We, in PAAVAI ,have a simple answer. We believe the success of an institution
and its ability to inspire confidence, stems from the calibre of its dedicated teaching
When we have the finest and most sincere minds working for us, Education loses its
intimidating complexity and becomes a tool to be mastered. When our people gather
the reins of destiny in their own capable hands, they become purveyors of progress.
Dedication, Sincerity and continuing empathy of our teaching force intellectually,
emotionally translated into increased success of our students and satisfaction of
all parents finding its way through every placement and appointment.
By building people, we build society. By building leaders, we build the nation's
technology and economy. Technical Education is, in effect, a nation’s service. At
Paavai, we believe only a well disciplined, value added students to become the high
profiled professionals who can achieve the avowed objective of our great president
Hon'ble Abdul Kalam to make our country "SUPER POWER".
We place major emphasis on continuous improvement of our people not only in their
academic parts but also in their leadership traits so that they are geared to deliver
sustained values to their employers when they are placed after their successful
completion of the courses. Our underlying belief is that students' ability to prove
excellence has a direct impact on the companies' satisfaction and which is after
all we are always aiming at.
There can be no half measures when it comes to quality. We spare no effort to inculcate
the quality philosophy into our people. Because, while it is our people who make
a difference, it is quality that gives an edge.